4 research outputs found

    Survey of fertilizer and pesticide use among the farmers in the Casablanca-Settat region, Morocco

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    Une utilisation non raisonnée des engrais et des pesticides nuit à l’environnement et en particulier aux sources d’eau ainsi qu’à la santé de l’être humain à travers la nourriture. Dans le cadre de la surveillance des eaux de surface marocaine, on a réalisé une enquête auprès de 100 agriculteurs à El Gara, province de Berrechid (Région Casablanca-Settat). Tous les agriculteurs consultés utilisent les engrais et les pesticides. 75% des interviewés ignorent le mode d’emploi de ces produits. Les pesticides sont utilisés une fois par an par 44% des agriculteurs, 70% les appliquent par l’intermédiaire de pick up ou de tracteur, 3% les manipulent en mettant des habits spéciaux et 27% le font à mains nues. Pour les engrais, les agriculteurs les utilisent une fois par an à des proportions variables en ne se basant que sur leur propre expérience. Ainsi, l’Ammonitrate 33,5%N est utilisé par 98% des agriculteurs à une moyenne de 130,9 Kg/ha, le NPK 10-30-10 utilisé par 95% à une moyenne de 175 Kg/ha, le Sulfate d'ammoniaque 21%N est utilisé par 66% à une moyenne de 121,9 Kg/ha et finalement l’Urée 46%N est utilisée par 46% à une moyenne de 67,9 Kg/ha. Ces pratiques ne sont pas soutenables à long terme car elles vont nuire à l’équilibre des écosystèmes en provoquant des dommages à l’environnement et agir sur la santé humaine d’où l’intérêt des agricultures durables. Mots clés: Engrais, pesticides, agriculteurs, enquêteExcessive use of fertilizers and pesticides harms the environment, especially water resources and humans health through food. As part of the surface water monitoring’s in Morocco, we have conducted a survey with 100 farmers in El Gara, Berrechid Province (Casablanca-Settat Region). All of the interviewed farmers use of fertilizers and pesticides. 75% of them do not know how to use these products. Pesticides are used once a year by 44% of farmers, 70% applied them using a Jeep or a tractor, 3% of farmers wear special clothes while handling these products and 27% do so with bare hands. The use of the fertilizers by the farmers was done once a year, in varying proportions, based only on their own experience. Thus, the ammonium nitrate 33.5% N was used by 98% at an average rate of 130.9 Kg/ha, the NPK 10-30-10 was used by 95% at an average rate of 175 Kg/ha, the ammonium sulphate 21 % N was used by 66% at an average rate of 121.9 Kg/ha and finally urea 46% N was used by 46% of farmers at an average rate of 67.9 Kg/ha. These practices are not sustainable in the long term because they will harm ecosystems balance by causing damages to the environment and therefore to human health thus not in support of sustainable agriculture. Keywords: Fertilizer, pesticides, environment; ,farmers, surve

    An Agent Based Traffic Regulation System for the Roadside Air Quality Control

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    International audienc


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    Social media provide a wide space for people from around the world to communicate, share knowledge and personal experiences. They increasingly become an important data source for opinion mining and sentiment analysis, thanks to shared comments and reviews about products and services. And companies are showing a growing interest to harness their potential, in order to support setting up marketing strategies. Despite the importance of sentiment analysis in decision making, there is a lack of social intelligence integration at the level of customer relationship management systems. Thus, social customer relationship management (SCRM) systems have become an interesting research area. However, they need deep analytic techniques to transform the large amount of data “Big Data” into actionable insights. Such systems also require an advanced modelling and data processing methods, and must consider the emerging paradigm related to proactive systems. In this paper, we propose an agent based social framework that extracts and consolidates the reviews expressed via social media, in order to help enterprises know more about customers’ opinions toward a particular product or service. To illustrate our approach, we present the case study of Twitter reviews that we use to extract opinions and sentiment about a set of products using SentiGem API. Data extraction, analysis and storage are performed using a framework based on Hadoop MapReduce and HBase